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Women’s Health Week with Omron

Industry Trends
  • April 13 2021
  • Petra Industries
Women’s Health Week with Omron

4 Product Categories to Keep Women Healthy and Fit

National women’s health week is on the horizon! This year, it’s from May 10th to May 16th.

What is women’s health week? “National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) is a weeklong health observance led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH)”, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health. This is an opportune time for you to offer women devices that monitor their health and fitness—and Omron has just what they need. 

Let’s take a look at some Omron products that are ideal for tracking health and wellness.

Blood Pressure Monitors

When it comes to preventing heart disease, strokes, and other serious ailments, home blood pressure monitoring is often the first line of defense. That’s why Omron offers top of the line blood pressure monitors. With both upper arm and wrist units—as well as extra cuffs—they offer a blood pressure monitor for every woman.

Body Composition Monitors

Measuring and tracking weight is important. But Omron’s body composition monitors go beyond simple weight tracking. These devices measure a variety of fitness indicators, including body fat percentage, visceral fat, body mass index, skeletal muscle, resting metabolism, and more.


Tracking personal fitness doesn’t have to be a hassle. Fitness solutions from Omron ensure that it isn’t. Their line of pedometers is simple to read and use. Instead of strapping to a leg, these devices can be kept in a pocket, purse, or worn on the hip—and each boasts Omron’s tri-axis technology.

Pain Management

You can help women manage pain without the use of any drugs. That’s where Omron pain management comes in. Omron’s TENS devices come in both wired and wireless models and are designed for both at-home use and on-the-go pain management. These devices are designed to alleviate achy, stiff, and sore muscles and joints.

Promoting Women’s Health Beyond This Week

Of course, promoting and offering products that help women maintain their health and fitness is a year-round commitment. 

For the entire Omron lineup and for more women’s health solutions, make sure to visit