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The Importance of Online Reviews

Industry Trends
  • May 5 2020
  • Petra Industries
The Importance of Online Reviews

Why online reviews matter and what you can do to boost yours

Word of mouth and good customer service go a long way to spreading the good word about your business. But there’s another, more powerful element at play for retail stores now: the online review. 

The importance of online reviews cannot be understated. They can both entice customers to your business or drive them away depending on their content. Let’s break down why online reviews matter and some tips you can use to ensure that yours stay positive.

Why Are Online Reviews Important?

And are they really? The short answer is yes. 

According to invesp, “90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.” 

Those are some staggering numbers! And if your reviews are mostly positive, 72% of consumers say that makes all the difference when deciding where to take their business.

Those numbers are good to know, but the practical effects are just as important. Reviews help build your credibility and connect you with your customers. Marketing Bitz puts it this way: “most [customers] trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Consumers turn to review sites to gain a better understanding of a business, so the more positive reviews you have, the better. These positive reviews will help instill trust within your business and solidify your reputation as a leader in your perspective field.” 

As with good customer service, it’s all about building trust—and positive reviews do just that.

Furthermore, reviews allow you to connect directly with your customers when they aren’t in the store, and can offer opportunities to thank them or reach out if they had a negative experience. 

“…it’s important to find interesting ways to connect with your customers. Reviews provide an avenue for doing just that. When a customer leaves a review, you can take the time to respond and thank them for taking the time to do so. This will also provide credibility to others who read the reviews and see your responses.”

Now that we’ve covered why online reviews are important, what can you do to boost your positive reviews?

Increasing Your Positive Reviews

There are several things you can do to keep your online image glowing, according to Consumer Fusion.

Respond to every review (yes, even the negative ones)

Every review is an important review. If it’s a positive review, it allows you to show your appreciation for the reviewer’s patronage and encourage them to visit you again. If it’s a negative review, it affords you the opportunity to engage with the disappointed customer directly. The end result is that potential customers will see how active and engaged you are with your current customers, showing them that you truly do care about all business you receive.

Share positive reviews you receive across your social media channels

Promote positivity! If you receive a glowing review, share it across your social media so your customers and prospects see it. Remember, 72% of consumers say that a positive review helps them decide where to send their business!

Ask customers to leave reviews

Don’t be afraid to ask your customers to leave you reviews (especially if they’ve had a great time at your business). The truth is that “most customers tend to move on with their lives and don’t think to write a review unless there’s something to complain about”, so don’t be afraid to ask happy customers to leave you good reviews!

A Final Note

Let me leave you with a personal anecdote to demonstrate the power of online reviews and good customer service. After trying to decide where to buy my wife a piece of jewelry, I settled on a locally owned store recommended to me by some friends. I had a very positive experience, and the owners encouraged me to leave them a review. While that was fresh on my mind, I left them a glowing review on Google, and not too long after that, they gave me a call simply to say they appreciated both my business and the review I had left them. I was floored by their customer service and haven’t visited a different shop since.

In Review

Online reviews can be make or break for a business trying to establish their foothold or maintain a customer base. Hopefully, with this advice, you’ll be able to increase the number of your reviews and encourage your customers to leave more. 

For more retail tips and info, make sure to explore the Petra Blog