Growing your business can be a daunting task, but better social media advertising practices lead to leads—and more sales! According to Web FX, “74% of consumers use social media to make buying decisions”.
With that said, how can you begin improving social media ads?
In this week’s blog, we have 4 tips for using social media ads that can increase sales and bring in profit such as pinning down a target audience, choosing the correct social media platform, using high quality visuals, and having the right call to action.
Let’s get into it!
Target Audience
Envision you’re on stage with the products you’re selling—who is in the audience? Narrowing the focus of who is likely to purchase your product can make marketing your products that much easier and quicker too!
Once you have a specific audience for your social media platform that you want to sell to, you can get more efficient spending on social ads for marketing.
This will give you better focus on what works.
Choosing your platform
It may seem like your business needs to be accessible through every platform, but what is important is knowing where your audience is.
Choosing the right platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Linked IN) enables your business to be seen by the right eyes, giving you the sales you want. Talk to your customers when they come in, see which platforms they’re using, if any.
After choosing the platform you feel is best, then you invest in targeted ads on that site.
The right call to action or CTA
Now that you have identified your target audience and picked a platform, you need to choose the right words to bring in more sales. Having straightforward calls to action help customers understand what you want them to do or where to click.
WebFX has this to say,
“If you’re trying to get someone to buy your product, having ‘Sign Up’ as your CTA may not be the best option for your advertising campaign. Instead, a CTA like “Book Now” or “Get Offer” would fit your ad better.”
High quality visuals
A picture is worth a thousand words and with higher quality visuals, your images could say even more! Putting focus on the quality of visual media content you post will allow others to trust in you and your business as well. Doing so will increase ad engagement and site traffic for potential customers.
Having the right strategies for social media and advertising can be the best thing you can do for your business. Don’t wait!
For more retail tips check out our blog or learn more about our services to help you grow your business.