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Industry Trends
  • September 25 2013
  • petrablog
Retail Tips

Keep these and other retail tips in mind as you go about growing your business for the holiday season.

Tip #11

Last-Minute Shoppers

Prepare for last-minute gifters with displays of gift ideas and suggestions. What about having gifts wrapped and ready to go with a display of what is inside for those truly last-minute shoppers? Turn procrastination into profits with pre-planned gifts ready for purchase.

Tip #10

Why Returns Are OK

Customer returns are not always a bad thing. Why? Because if you value your customers feedback and listen to what they have to say they will appreciate that you listened to their problem and respect that you are genuinely trying to rectify the solution. This give you the opportunity to create a loyal customer that can trust you and your business.

Tip #9

Review Your Reviews

Having an internet presence is a no brainer in today’s world. But what about customer feedback and online reviews? Have you read your Yelp reviews lately? How have customers rated you on Angie’s list? One bad apple can spoil the bunch, but knowing how people perceive your business is important. It might not seem like a big deal, but the typical consumer reads six reviews or less before making up his/her mind about a business or service. Address these issues and see what you can do to rectify the situation.

Tip #8

Card Your Customers

Did you know 72% of customers will spend more than the value of a gift card and on average they will spend 20% more than their gift card value? Not only do gift cards instantly make your business money, but they also serve as an advertisement and encourage another person to walk into your store, or visit your website.

Tip #7

Engage Your Customers

The brick and mortar advantage is their potential to engage customers. You have the products for the customers to see, touch and experience. Are you taking advantage of this by displaying your products to their full potential? It’s easy to buy a speaker online with only seeing a picture, but what about connecting your customers own music to a Bluetooth speaker so they can hear its clarity. Or letting them actually take a picture with a digital camera. Or play with the cool new gaming gadget? Let them experience your products and see why they need to take them home.

Tip #6

Bundle Up

Bundles are a convenient way for your customers to have an all-in-one gift this holiday season. You can create different bundles for wireless devices, home theater enthusiasts, gadget gurus and more, all at different price points. Bundles are also a good way to introduce customers to new products they may not buy otherwise, encouraging future purchases.

Tip #5

Set The Mood

Set the mood for your customers by creating a festive atmosphere in your store. Music, decor and scents will keep customers lingering as they shop. Online retailers can also use festive images and holiday marketing copy to catch a customers eye and encourage lingering and clicks.

Tip #4

Connect With Customers

Even if you don’t sell anything online, the Internet can be your biggest selling tool. Social media, search engine optimization and paid search advertising can help attract more customers to your business. Use social media to your advantage! Get close to your customers and keep them up-to-date with holiday news and specials.

Tip #3

Seeing With New Eyes?

Look at your store with new eyes. It is easy to look at something every day and eventually quit seeing it, but a new customer will notice those things as soon as they walk in. Do your shelves need dusting? What about that carpet stain you keep stepping over? How about the cable thats hanging behind the TV that can easily be hidden? These are simple to fix and can give your business a leg up against the competition.

Tip #2

Who Works Here?

Do your sales associates look like they work at your store or do they blend in? Nothing is more embarrassing to a customer than asking someone for help that doesn’t even work there. Save your customer this red faced moment. Something as simple as a nametag let’s your customer know who can help them and that you are knowledgable about your products.

Tip #1

Gifts For Everyone!

Does your business have everything your customers need to mark everyone off of their holiday gift list? We want you to be completely prepared! We will be sending your business weekly Holiday Gift Guides for a specific segment of consumer with suggestions of gifts that will appeal to them. These gifts will be broken down by retail price point so you will have something for everyone. Be on the lookout for your Holiday Gift Guides every Thursday!