Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death for people in the United States. High blood pressure (also referred to as HBP) is when the force of blood flowing through blood vessels, is consistently too high. With May being National Blood Pressure Education Awareness Month, it’s time to check in with ourselves.

Fast Facts
• Nearly half of all adults in the United States have high blood pressure
• Only about 1 in 4 adults (24%) with hypertension have their condition under control
• High blood pressure was a primary or contributing cause of death for 516,955 people in the United States in 2019.

No matter the age, people need to take steps necessary to prevent and manage blood pressure. Making healthy lifestyle choices and practicing good habits like eating healthy and being physically active can help immensely. Things like limiting alcohol and getting enough sleep are important too. If someone is at risk of high blood pressure, are being treated for it, or have symptoms, taking medicine and tracking blood pressure on a regular basis is vital.

Monitoring blood pressure can be easier than you think. There’s no need to go to a doctor’s office. Anyone can take control and keep their blood pressure within a healthy range. With Omron’s blood pressure monitoring tools, you and your customers can take control and keep your blood pressure where it needs to be.
How to Properly Use a Home Blood Pressure Monitor
• Ensure you are sitting still at least 5 minutes before the test
• Sit correctly with your back straight and supported
• Measure at the same time every day
• Take multiple (2 or 3) readings 1 minute apart and record the results
• Don’t take measurements over clothes

Blood Pressure Monitors
Omron offers multiple upper arm blood pressure monitors. The Omron BP7100 3 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor is an easy-to-use monitor. Powered by Omron Advanced Accuracy technology, it measures 5x more data points for more consistent, precise readings. Omron-exclusive technology minimizes the impact breathing and movements have on blood pressure reading results. This helps to reduce measurement inconsistencies and errors.
Body Composition Scales
Eating healthy and exercising is key to keeping your blood pressure and heart health under control. The Full-Body Composition Monitor Black Bathroom Scale provides Full Body Sensing — a comprehensive understanding of body composition to help reach your fitness goals. Easy to use, it measures 7 fitness indicators including body fat, visceral fat, BMI, skeletal muscle, resting metabolism, body age and body weight.

For our entire Omron lineup and for more tools for self-monitoring, make sure to visit order.petra.com.