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Severe Weather and Weather Prep

Industry Trends
  • March 17 2020
  • petrablog
Severe Weather and Weather Prep

Prepare Your Customers for the Worst Severe Weather Scenario

Spring rainfall and warmer weather are a welcome break from the cold, snow, and sleet of winter. But they too can bring problems with thunderstorms and tornadoes, flooding, and other natural disasters. Severe weather can strike anywhere.

No one is immune from the rage of Mother Nature.

In Florida, there’s the chance of hurricanes. California is known for its earthquakes. Oklahoma is no stranger to tornadoes. Severe weather impacts thousands of people. That doesn’t mean you can’t prepare your customers for severe weather.

Petra offers a wide array of emergency preparation devices and accessories. Whether customers are home, on the trail, or in their car, Petra has the technology they need to be safe no matter the weather.

Knowledge is Power

The Red Cross notes that the most important factor to surviving severe weather is awareness and preparation before a storm. One of their recommendations is a weather radio or other warning device. Getting the message early gives families the opportunity to take shelter on time.

Weather Radios

The first good defense against a pending storm is a weather radio. When tuned to the NOAA Weather All Hazards broadcasting stations, these radios announce official warnings, watches and other hazard information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are two types of weather radios: a weather alert radio or a weather band radio. A weather alert radio will automatically respond and let users know when there is an emergency alert, even if they are not listening to it.

A weather band radio must be turned on and tuned to one of the NOAA weather stations. Some weather radios are a jack-of-all trades and include multiple features like a flashlight, phone charger,, power inverter, emergency siren, and more.

More people these days are relying on a smartphone app for alerts in place of a weather radio, but what if that smartphone dies, or as is the case during lots of emergencies, the cell towers are overloaded, and they cannot emit a cellular signal? Don’t let your customers get caught without the right equipment. Show them the distinct advantages of owning a weather radio.

When Storms Hit

Once the storm hits, many unexpected events can happen. Power outages can add a sense of panic but can be overcome. That’s why flashlights, first aid kits, and portable power options can be so critical.


Flashlights are always a necessity during a major storm or weather emergency and even though not all storms cause major devastation, losing electricity is always a real possibility.  The first thing your customers will be reaching for during a blackout is a flashlight. It’s an important beacon during a storm. In fact, if your customers do nothing else to prepare for a storm, a flashlight is the must-have.

Some flashlights are great for an emergency because they use a crank generator to power the bulb. An everyday flashlight can also ease some anxiety. Headlamps and lanterns are also great options during a storm because they give users light while giving their hands the freedom to do other things.

And don’t forget about batteries. They’re required not just for battery-powered flashlights but also for weather radios.

First Aid Kits

An essential part of any home preparedness is a first aid kit. Some kits include everything needed for a life-threatening situation like an emergency blanket, bandages, emergency dressing, tourniquet band and more.

Portable Power

Being without power during a storm is scary. Not being able to get a hold of help when it’s needed or being able to tell loved ones you’re safe is even scarier. If your customers’ only form of communication is a dead cell phone or tablet, this scenario can become a reality all too quickly. A portable power accessory can charge a device without having to access any AC power.

After the Storm

Severe weather is a fact of life for people throughout the country. Customers can keep their families, their businesses, and their property safe with the right preparation. Petra has all the products your business needs to get your customers ready for any severe weather coming their way, so make sure to check out