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How to Attract More Customers to Your Business

Industry Trends
  • February 4 2020
  • Petra Industries
How to Attract More Customers to Your Business

7 Useful Tools to Get People Through the Door (And Keep Them Coming Back)

If you’re a business owner or manager, you know that customers are the core of your livelihood. You wouldn’t have a business without them!

So, what can you do to attract new customers and keep current clientele returning?

Let’s take a look at the 7 tools to find out how to attract more customers to your business.

1. Identify Your Ideal Customer

What does your ideal customer look like? To answer this, consider a few things: the product you sell or problems you solve? You more than likely aren’t looking to sell everything to everyone—you have a niche of some type. Creating buyer personas can help you identify your ideal customer.

According to HubSpot, “A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.” They go on to state that “When creating your buyer persona(s), consider including customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. The more detailed you are, the better.”

2. Target Your Customers

Once you’ve identified your ideal customer, you need to target and market to them. A good way to tackle this is to figure out where they live and what their habits are like. Are you targeting seniors? Legacy media might be a great way to put your message in front of them. Millennials and Gen Z? You’ll want to make sure you have a strong local social media presence.

3. Be the Expert

As you already know, your customers continue to patronize your business because you have something your competitors’ don’t—and oftentimes that thing is expertise. Knowing your industry inside and out while providing helpful, customer-oriented care is what brings people in and back. “Just okay is not okay”; Your customers want and need you to be the expert in your field!

4. Help Them Solve Their Problems

If you have the knowledge and customer service skills your clients are looking for, they’ll come to you for help with their problems. A customer with a problem is a double-edged sword of opportunity—and all customers have problems. That’s why they’ve sought out your business! You can help them find the solutions they’re looking for, which will help build your reputation as the authority on your niche market. This brings us to…

5. Building Relationships

Obviously, you want to build relationships with your customers so that they keep coming back to your business, but you also want to build partnerships with other local businesses in your market.

According to American Express, “Teaming up with businesses that offer complementary services offers you the opportunity to take advantage of synergy, which can be very effective in building a business. For instance, if you have a company that specializes in SEO, consider teaming up with a business that builds websites.”

6. Consider Special Offers, Discounts, and More

A fantastic way to bring in new customers is to offer free trials or discounts on one of your popular products or services. Customers flock to these, and it’s also an excellent way to boost word-of-mouth traction. Depending on your ideal customer, both online and offline promotions may be good ideas.

7. Follow Up and Follow Through

After you’ve successfully established a customer base, make sure you’re following up with them. Don’t miss out on leads or valued customer’s just because you forget! Creating a customer list and setting follow-up tasks for yourself are great ways to make sure no one slips through the cracks.

Bring Them in and Keep Them Coming Back

These are just a few tips on how to attract more customers to your business. Remember that customers always visit you because they have a problem and are looking for a solution. You want to make sure you’re the ideal solution for your ideal customer! And remember, to stock up on all of the products your customers need to solve their problems, visit