Throwback technology and designs continue to find new customers
What is it about retro technology that appeals to your customers? There are several factors at play.
1. Old-school technology harkens back to a time when life was less frantic
Listening to vinyl records is a great example. For those who have only downloaded or streamed music, physically owning and playing a record is a welcome timeout and an experience with its own pleasures and rewards.
There’s the art on the album jacket to study and admire, the distinctive smell of the vinyl, the process of placing a record on a turntable, watching the LP spin up, moving the tonearm, gently placing the needle, watching everything track across, and reading any liner notes.
There’s also the newly found appreciation that albums are often themed with tracks laid out in sequence, providing more insight into their favorite musician or band.
And for those with keen ears, the warmth of uncompressed, unfiltered audio (even with scratches and pops) is a stark contrast to today’s highly compressed streaming technology.
2. Retro technology is a form of time travel for emotions
Anything that recalls the happy, carefree, simpler days of youth taps directly into our emotions. And emotions can be a driver to action.
Therefore, if it makes us happy and if it brings back warm and nostalgic thoughts, we want it.
3. Throwback tech bridges generations
A retro gadget in the hands of one generation is a sure-fire conversation starter with those of other ages. Explaining (or asking) what’s special about a retro product can lead to interesting perspectives and viewpoints.
Plus, those shared experiences build bonds and breaks down barriers.
4. Old school technology can either be truly vintage or retro in design only while incorporating modern tech
To younger generations, retro technology can seem exotic, quaintly old-fashioned, or stupidly antiquated. Yet, there are fans across multiple generations for cassette players, boom boxes, and film cameras. Even typewriters have their devotees.
Then there’s the latest boom of retro-styled, modern devices. Most record players or turntables today incorporate Bluetooth and digital conversion technology. Retro radios, despite their analog controls, no longer use vacuum tubes. And today’s Edison-style light bulbs use LEDs, not filaments.
Nostalgia electrics for the kitchen are especially popular. These retro-inspired products often emulate design styles from the 1930s through the 1950s, but other decades are also represented. Consequently, their very appearance makes them stand out from modern electrics.
Retro technology sells
Here at Petra Industries, we have an amazing mix of truly retro, retro updated, and retro-inspired products. Here’s a brief category overview.
Audio products
Audio products are a mix of old-school technology and nostalgic technology. Cassette players for the most part are old school. But some do incorporate encoding and Bluetooth. Turntables are available in manual and automatic configurations, with some more aggressively retro-styled than others. Some even include built-in speakers or are a part of a larger home entertainment system.
Boom boxes, with their CD or cassette playback capability, lovingly recreate the retro technology look from several different decades.
Radios come in all shapes and sizes, plus the radio itself may be a part of a Bluetooth speaker. From retro-looking pickups from 1940s and 50s to the amazing cabinetry found in 1930s and the 1960s, there’s a retro radio for your customers who love nostalgic technology.
And let’s not forget about those vintage desktop-style microphones! This microphone style with its bold grill once graced every recording studio and the desks of late-night TV hosts. Although these voice microphones look old school, they use the latest audio reproduction technology.
Kitchen products
A home’s heart is usually the kitchen. And retro kitchen gadgets stir up warm memories of family get-togethers from days gone by. Plus, let’s face it—the design adds a WOW factor that makes them stand out from typical kitchen appliances.
From small refrigerators, toasters, and microwaves to blenders, popcorn makers, and chocolate fountains, there’s a retro kitchen appliance that will appeal to every age group—and size of countertop space.
Home & Gaming
Retro technology has made itself at home when it comes to leisure time.
Film cameras are back. From instant photography and disposable cameras to color negative film, generations are rediscovering the joy of shooting with a real camera then holding a tangible image.
Analog alarm clocks and typewriters also have their fans. Both are true retro technology survivors. Typewriters in particular appeal to those who treasure an unplugged way of writing.
And let’s not forget about retro gaming! There are portable gaming systems stuffed with old-school games as well as tabletop versions of beloved arcade games. There are even controllers that come preloaded with old games.
Other retro products for the home include fans and heaters, light bulbs, and portable projectors.
What’s retro is new again
The decades associated with retro technology continue to grow. And there’s no telling what from the past will catch the fancy of today’s consumers. Especially since trends can be influenced by social media, economic conditions, and even a pandemic.
But for your current customers, Petra has you covered. Check out our special page that’s all about retro tech. Embrace the nostalgia your customers crave.
And if you are not yet a Petra customer, this is a great time to sign up! We have a wonderful world of retro technology—and so much more—waiting for you.