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Benefits of Direct Mail Advertising

Industry Trends
  • April 6 2021
  • Petra Industries
Benefits of Direct Mail Advertising

Taking Advantage of Direct Mailers

We’re all familiar with the direct mailers we receive frequently. Whether they’re for car dealerships, political campaigns, or lawn services, “junk mail” comes in all shapes and sizes. 

But if you’re looking to expand your marketing efforts or take them in a new direction, direct mailers may be just the thing for you. Junk mail isn’t always junk!

Let’s take a look at some benefits of direct mail advertising.

Response Rates Through the Roof

The first thing that you’re probably thinking is what kind of return on investment am I looking at? Are direct mailers worth it? 

Some of the stats might surprise you! 

According to the most recent ANA/DMA Response Rate Report, the response rate for direct mailers was a staggering 4.90% for prospect lists, and 9% for house lists. 

That blows social media, email, and paid search completely out of the water, as each of those ad methods only reported a less than 1% response rate according to the same study. 

According to United Mail, “Direct mail can be up to 30 times more effective in comparison to digital marketing.” 

Personal, Targeted, and Safe

Direct mail offers options that allow you to cater to a more targeted audience and eliminates a variety of security issues. 

Legitimate digital ads aren’t just competing with each other; they also have to combat every “win a free $100 Amazon gift card” or various other malware ridden ads. 

Direct mailers create “a sense of security and trustworthiness that connects with many consumers, especially those who are senior or unfamiliar with technology”, according to Design Distributors.

What’s more, the personal, targeted nature of mailers means that they’re often opened and read—unlike spam emails or ads. According to the USPS53% of Americans read every piece of mail they receive and at least 21% of them scan each piece.

No wonder the response rates are as high as they are!

Creative and Cost-Effective

Digital ads are often restricted to certain sizes, and while the content and imagery is versatile, placement often isn’t. Mailers offer nearly endless creative options, and Digital Distributors makes a good point: “You can apply textures, change sizes, send creative 3D objects, or even add scratch-n-sniff options to any design.”

Additionally, direct mailers are cost-effective for just about every business. “According to an annual study by DMA, direct mail has an average ROI of 29%, competitive with online media.” Again, direct mailers trounce their digital competition.

Don’t Miss Out!

Looking to expand your marketing efforts? The benefits of direct mailers cannot be overstated. Their response rates outdo their digital counterparts, they’re a safe, cost effective strategy, and they allow for personal, creative messages. 

For more marketing tips and strategies, make sure to visit the Petra blog.