Choosing a supplier may seem daunting, but our straightforward guide will put you on the right path
There’s a variety of options when it comes to choosing the right supplier. Whether you’re a new business trying to find your footing or an established enterprise looking for a change, our short guide to choosing the right supplier will help you make a well-educated decision.
Make a List
What are you looking for in a supplier? Sometimes it’s easier to know what you don’t want rather than what you do want. Whether you’re thinking in terms of pros or cons or not, putting your thoughts to paper keeps them organized and easy to reference. Consider things like shipping time and cost, minimum/maximum quantities on orders, delivery methods, customer service, returns policy and process, etc. when making this list.
These will all be different depending on your type and size of business. Remember, no one knows your business like you. You’re the expert on what you need!
Decide on a Process
How are you going to narrow down your options? There are several ways to do this: publishing your requirements in trade publications, directly approaching suppliers, calling for bids, etc. Don’t rush this step. Doing your research and considering your options goes a long way in making a confident choice.
Evaluate Your Options
No matter your method for reaching out to suppliers, compare your options. Depending on how many suppliers responded to your call for bids or your other methods of communication, you may have a wide pool of options. Discuss your options among your most trusted and appropriate team members to come to a final choice.
Choose and Track Your Supplier
The task of choosing a supplier never really ends. Even after you make your choice, you’ll want to constantly watch their performance and rates while making sure to keep in direct contact. Make sure they’re fulfilling their end of the bargain. Communicating openly and clearly will keep you at the top of your game.
The Right Distributor Changes Everything
At Petra, we believe in that statement wholeheartedly. Our state-of-the-art distribution center occupies more than half a million square feet, allowing us to stock and ship products from hundreds of leading brands. Our sales and support staff make it their business to see you succeed, and our expertise in dropshipping, blind shipping and pick, pack and ship logistics make us second to none.
For information on Petra and our unique advantage, make sure to visit our website. If you’re an independent retailer, we can help you here. If you operate an e-tail business, see our solutions to help you here.